Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer professional cosmetic services to enhance your smile's beauty and radiance!

Get the smile of your dreams with safe, effective, and fast-acting procedures.

Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dental care that encompasses professional procedures designed to elevate the appearance of the smile as well as facial framing features. Through the use of various techniques and the application of skilled aesthetic dental work, cosmetic dentistry can achieve amazing results that significantly improve a person’s appearance and self-confidence.

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry, keep reading. You can also call our Spokane, WA office to ask a question!

More Than Aesthetics

Unfortunately, many patients fail to see cosmetic dentistry’s benefits beyond its aesthetic impact—at least until they undergo a procedure themselves! The truth is, appearance only scratches the surface when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. The genuine value of cosmetic dentistry lies in the profound emotional impact it can have on patients. 

Consider, for a moment, the negative emotions that are commonly associated with poor dental health and an unattractive smile. Low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, social anxiety, and depression are just a few of the psychological burdens that can be lifted by cosmetic dentistry. In fact, research has shown that patients who undergo cosmetic dental procedures experience significant improvements in self-esteem and quality of life.

A Life-Changing Transformation

What’s more, the positive effects of cosmetic dentistry extend to all realms of the patient’s life—from personal to professional. In terms of personal relationships, patients who have undergone cosmetic dental procedures report feeling more confident in social situations and more satisfied with their appearance. On the professional front, patients report feeling more confident in job interviews and better equipped to make a strong first impression with clients and colleagues. 

Simply put, cosmetic dentistry has the power to change lives—and not just in terms of appearance.

Teeth Whitening

As one of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening is also one of the fastest and most convenient ways to improve the appearance of your smile. No long waiting, no uncomfortably invasive procedures; with teeth whitening, you can achieve brighter, whiter teeth in just a single appointment. At our office, we offer in-office whitening with Zoom! 

Zoom teeth whitening is a professional bleaching treatment that uses a special light to accelerate the bleaching process. The whitening system is safe, and effective, and can provide results that are up to eight shades brighter in just one hour!   

  • To begin the process, our team will first take measures to ensure your gums and soft tissue are protected from the bleaching agents. 
  • Next, the Zoom whitening gel will be applied to your teeth and activated with a high-impact light. 
  • The gel and light work together to gently and effectively break up any stains or discoloration on your teeth, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

Facial Aesthetics

Cosmetic dentistry can also be used to address concerns relating to the appearance of your facial features. These professional procedures are often referred to as “facial aesthetics” and can be used to improve the appearance of the lips, cheeks, and jawline. 

For example, many patients come to our office seeking treatment for gummy smiles. A gummy smile is one in which an excessive amount of gum tissue is visible when the patient smiles. While there are procedures available to contour the gum tissue and remove any excess, our solutions are much less invasive. Additionally, our solutions are multi-faceted—capable of resolving numerous cosmetic concerns in a single treatment.

Facial Rejuvenation & Injectables

Facial rejuvenation and injectables are two popular facial treatments that can be used to improve the appearance of the skin, lips, and other facial framing features.

  • Facial rejuvenation is a neuromodulator that works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that control facial expression. When used in moderation, the relaxing of the muscles can help calm over-exaggerative expressions and settle the face into a naturally renewed appearance. In doing so, facial rejuvenation can diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines—a bonus for anyone looking to achieve a more youthful appearance. 
    • Using the above case of a gummy smile, for example, facial rejuvenation can help to reduce the appearance of the excess gum tissue by relaxing the muscles that control the upward movement of the lips. Allowing the lip to settle at a lower position will in turn reduce the visibility of the gums.

  • Injectables can be used to create a fuller, more youthful appearance—immediately reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.  Unlike facial rejuvenation, which works to relax the muscles, injectables work by adding volume to the treated area. This additional volume helps to fill out the wrinkles and lines, resulting in a more youthful appearance. Injectables may also be used to add volume to the lips, giving them a fuller appearance. 

Both facial rejuvenation and injectables are non-invasive procedures that require no downtime. The results are immediate, and there is little to no discomfort associated with the treatments. 

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